January 18, 2024

Let’s Talk Joyful Aging

Minneapolis Club

April 18, 2024

Let’s Talk Caregiving and Hospice
Minneapolis Club

Panel includes Dr. Rahel Nardos. MD Dr. Natalia Dorf Biderman, MD, Miranda Bryant and Dr. Sarah Maier, MD.

Tickets going fast! Get yours now.

July 18, 2024

Let’s Talk Trends and Innovation

Women are often placed into a role of caregiver. Children, parents, relatives and friends. We NEED each other, but we also need to understand and care for our own needs. How can we navigate our lives while helping others live fully until the end? This panel will be incredible with Catherine Duncan, Myrna Marofsky and Brittany Metzig, CFP. We are so thrilled for this panel. Yes, we are bridging into the money aspects.
Dying is expensive in America. Healthcare expenditures from all payors (public and private) total $80,000 in the last 12 months of life and $155,000 in the last 3 years.Sep 3, 2022”

Did you know that 98% of venture funding goes to white men? Site your source, we say. OK. One Two Three

Our amazing panel is led by Mary Grove of Bread and Butter Ventures and includes Mary MacCarthy and startup Founder Dr. Nneka Sederstrom MD.

Minnesota is leading the change! You don’t want to miss this.