Let’s have the
Critical Health Conversations
We invite you to join the conversation on women's health. Our quarterly breakfast series discusses relevant and current health issues for women with a moderated panel of experts. All topics examine healthcare disparities for women, particularly women of color, and the lack of women's studies and research. We discuss tools and solutions and how we can move forward by exploring the internal and external barriers to growth and healing. You’ll learn tools and techniques to make a difference in community and how to care for yourself and others in healthy, impactful ways.
Joyful Aging
Moderated by Chanda Smith Baker
Dr Rahel Nardos | University of Minnesota Medical School
Dr Natalia Dorf Biderman | HealthPartners, Chief of Staff Elect Methodist Hospital
Miranda Bryant | Bryant Growth Coaching
Session 4 of 4 on Thursday, January 18, 2024 | The Minneapolis Club | 8AM
“As a healthcare company, our DEI and antiracism efforts are foundational to our ability to deliver on health equity, along with clinical efforts.”
-Joy Marsh, UCare